Last month I wrote a blog post about how to run terraform init
on codefresh. Sadly Codefresh are changing their pricing which makes it alot more expenive per developer. For this reason, we're migrating our pipelines at work to GitHub actions.
tl;dr: It's going from $34 pcm for 10 devs on a small runner to ~$50+ per dev per month.
The issue we have
At work, all our terraform modules are store in Git Hub. Also, all our modules use git::ssh://
as the method of pulling them.
I've tried to follow blog posts like the below, which did not work.
When I say this, I mean I could not for the life of me get it work, regardless of what permissions I gave the pipeline.
I was still getting the issue
Cloning into 'terraform-module-google-dns'...
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository '<>/terraform-module-google-dns.git/' not found
Despite the repo very much being there
The solution was pretty much the same as the Codefresh solution: Install SSH Keys on the pipeline, so when terraform runs git clone on the module, it has the keys.
Create the keys
You need to create specific keys for the modules. I recommend creating ones called githubactions-terraform
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
When it asks what you want to name it, supply the full path to your .ssh
directory, and append githubactions-terraform
Now we have the keys created, we can upload them to the GitHub repo that the pipeline needs to pull them from
Adding the keys to the relevant GitHub repos
Navigate to your repo of choice, in this example I will use my Codefresh IP module
Click on Settings
Then click on Deploy Keys
down the left hand side
Open your terminal and copy the public key to the clipboard
cat | pbcopy
Click Add Deploy Key
and paste it in
Next step is to add the private SSH keys to the repo with the GitHub actions enaled
SSH Keys on the actions repo
Open Terminal and copy the private keys to clipboard
cat githubacionts-terraform | pbcopy
Navigate to the repo with the actions in, click settings, then click Security > Actions
Click New repository secret
Give it a name, for example I am calling this SSH_KEY_GITHUB_ACTIONS
Paste the Private SSH key in.
Read the below page if you are worried about secrets being leaked
The GitHub actions part
So, we have the SSH keys setup, now we need to actually use them!
I have created the below GitHub actions that:
- Installs terraform on the runner
- Adds the SSH keys
- Runs
terraform init
name: DNS
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Terraform
uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2
terraform_version: 1.3.9
- name: Terraform Init
working-directory: ${{ env.DIR }}
run: |
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add - <<< '${{ secrets.SSH_KEY_GITHUB_ACTIONS }}'
terraform init
You are then free to continue with what ever other terraform steps you need to do in your pipeline.